Find Your Centre
Nurture Map
Introducing The Nurture Map, a revolutionary model of well-being created by mentor Christopher Bowness. The Nurture Map gives you space to pause and look at all the resources you already possess, your skills, your strengths to help you create the life you desire.
Take a look at the video to learn more.
Principles of the map
01 — Choose your own adventure.
You get to be in charge of your journey around the map in order to guide you and create the life you desire.
02 — Focus on innervision
The Nurture Map is about focussing on the ‘innervision’ and discovering who you are and creating the life you truly desire from that inner place.
03 — There’s no wrong way, only what feels right.
The Nurture Map is about empowerment and permission, you know what you need and we are all unique.
04 — Being rather than doing.
The Nurture Map is about embodying a new way of feeling and being in order to create your life. We focus on your strengths and understanding how the mind, body, spirit works and folding things into your life in a natural way.
05 — Awareness is the seed.
The Nurture Map is about bringing in a new level of awareness to your life.
06 — Alignment is your superpower.
Alignment is and understanding alignment is the superpower to creating the life you truly desire.
You Are Gold
Your strengths, your passions, your skills, your wisdom, your knowledge.